
Hello all! Greetings from the styx. You get the picture.

First things first, I am not a professional photographer. Now that we have that out of the way, I should say I have a genuine interest in photography. As you may or may not have guessed, you have happened upon my blog, where I post the images you probably lingered on in the homepage. Next point of target might be getting to know why, if I am not a photographer, are my photos relevant to you. Answer? They may not be. In order to figure that out, here's a bit about me.

I am a recent Media Studies grad. I have a diploma in journalism, and sort of happened upon the photography habit (not hobby) during my four years of education. My subjects are primarily tiny people, but can range from cityscapes, country landscapes, photographs of people and places that are extraordinary to me and the like. Not to mention photos I find appealing, crafty projects of my own and maybe even a few nifty tutorials as I find them.

All in all, an interesting project in the making. I hope you stick around for the ride.

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