Monday, 6 August 2012

Introducing the Tiny Humans in my Life

Whoever said that for the duration of a child's life, one should never blink, was absolutely correct. While I don't have any children in my life, I feel blessed enough to have four tiny little people in my life, courtesy of my big brother.

This blog post pays homage to my lovely nephews and only niece, just a few, if not my only favourite subjects to photograph. They are Jacob (8), Malcolm (3), and twins Madison and Zachary (5 months). Albeit, they may sometimes be unwilling, those little moments I capture of their day to day lives, will come in handy when I [gasp!] happen to blink years from now and wonder where all the little people have gone.

Hopefully by then, my lovely sister Lindsay will have given me a few more. No pressure Linds, in case you're reading.

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